Latest News:
- December 2018: Cleaning up!
All the weblinks are cleaned up, some are temporarily unavailable.
- December 2013: Cleaning up!
All the weblinks are cleaned up and some new are added!
- July 2012: New article!
Gentiana verna group is about the differences between this gentians. The information comes from the books you find in “Links”. Another source is the thesis from Marc Hämmerlii in 2007: Molecular aspects in Systematics of Gentiana sect. Calathianae Froel.
- January 2012: New gentians added in Plant Portraits!
Some new photos taken by Mojmir Pavelka on his China trip (2011) are added. http://www.pavelkaalpines.cz/index.htm
- December 2011: New gentians added in Plant Portraits!
Some new photos are added. They are taken by Marijn van den Brink on his marvellous trips: Asia, Africa, Europe, North America and South America. More information you can find on his website: http://photos.v-d-brink.eu/
- March 2011: New gentians added in Plant Portraits!
Some new photos taken by Mojmir Pavelka on his China trip (2009) are added. Also gentian pictures from Spain and Turkey.
- January 2008: New gentians added in Plant Portraits!
The new photos are taken by Jane Grushow (Pennsylvania, USA) and others by Markus Breier (Dachau, Germany)
- December 2007: New pictures of gentians!
Some new photos taken by Hannelotte Kindlund are added.
- December 2007: New pictures of gentians!
Some new photos taken by Mojmir Pavelka on his China trip (2007) are added. Now he has also a website: http://www.pavelkaalpines.cz/index.htm
- August 2007: New article!
Plant parts is about the importance of the different parts of the plant. How they work!
- July 2007: Links updated!
All the links are checked. Some are removed and others are added, like the beautiful garden of Gunhild and Thorkild Poulsen.
I have found a new interesting book "A Worldwide Monograph of Gentiana"
The present book is a worldwide monograph of systematic botany for the genus Gentiana. The text is in nine parts. It comprehensively systematically summarized the results studied on taxonomy, morphology and anatomy, embryology, chromosomololy, palynology, phylogenetics and phytogeography of this genus. On the basis of nomenclature types and examinations of a large number of specimens from the major herbaria of Europe, Asia and North America, all species of Gentiana have been revised and methods of synthetic classification and cladistics, the evolutionary lines and phylogenetic relationships among taxa have been expounded and a natural system of the infragencric classifications has been established. The genus Gentiana is divided into 15 sections, 22 series and 362 species. This book is of great scientific value to phytotaxonomists and systematist. It is also more useful for horticulturists and material mediciners.
- February 2006: Different colours of Gentiana angustifolia.
Among the articles there is a display of different colours of Gentiana angustifolia added. The photos are taken by Jules Fouarge in his garden.
- February 2006: Different colours of Gentiana clusii.
Among the articles there is a display of different colours of Gentiana clusii added. The photos are taken by Johannes Höller.
- January 2006: New gentians added in Plant Portraits!
The new photos are taken by Dr. Yong-Ming Yuan, a botanist specialized in gentians. He has also started a marvellous website "Our Gentiana"
- December 2005: Links and plant portraits updated!
We updated the links (removed some dead links, updated information and nurseries).
Plant Portraits seemed to be broken, but that is fixed now.
We added a "Compare Photos" to the Plant Portraits. This allows you to compare photos of different gentians.
- December 2004: New website lay-out!
We redesigned the lay-out a bit and new pictures in Plant Portraits were added.
- November 2003: Site launch!
Site has been launched!